
out with the old/in with the new

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

At the turning of the New Year, I always crave a deliberate process of introspection and a way to set a few intentions for the year ahead. So this year I wrote my own questionnaire. Care to join me? Here are the rules:

1. Print out this page/Just read it
2. Fill it out (preferably with crayons or bright markers)/Simply ponder thoughtfully
3. Share it with everyone you know/Don't tell a soul
4. Keep it forever/Burn it immediately

Thinking about this past year:

What was the most fun you had?

When did you laugh the hardest?

What was the best thing you ate?

What was the most beautiful thing you saw?

What was the hardest thing you didn't think you'd get through (but did)?

Who came into your life?

What conversations and connections made your heart full?

When did you surprise yourself?

When were you most proud of yourself?

When did you tell the truth?

What did you lose that you thought you needed but didn't?

What did you do for the last time?

What healed?

Who can you forgive?

What thing about yourself can you forgive?

Who can you let go of?

Who can you grab onto?

Thinking about the year ahead:

What new thing have you always wanted to try?

What's something easy you can do, that you know will make your life better?

What's something hard you can do, that you know will make your life better?

How can you be kinder and gentler to yourself?

What good deed can you bestow?

What's something you can give away that will make a big difference to someone?

What things could you do to live more authentically?

What are you ready to dedicate yourself to?

What song is your new anthem for 2014?

Remember: it's not "Successful New Year!" or "Productive New Year!", it's "HAPPY New Year!":)

P.S. My favorite Joeycake posts of 2013………..<3
Things that might happen if you get a job wearing a bikini on national television
Love yourself
Amazing cookies
The best cocktail accompaniment
Lena speaks!
An open letter to zucchini
Remember that time I fell in love with a Mexican waiter?
Pilot Season is not for the weak of heart
Sweaty waiters and bold birds
When in doubt, namaste


  1. Wonderfully thought provoking! I must admit one of the best laughs I've had was when I read again about Lena's love of blueberries! May 2014 be filled with wonder and love for you.


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